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Refund and Returns Policy


How do I return/exchange an item?

Products can be returned/exchanged within 15 days from the date of purchase.

To initiate Refund:

  1. Log into your account on our website.
  2. Go to My Account -> Orders.
  3. If your product is eligible for return, you will see “Return” button for that order.
  4. Fill the return form. 
  5. Once your return request is approved, pickup will be assigned and return process will initiate.

To initiate Exchange:

  1. Log into your account on our website.
  2. Go to My Account -> Orders.
  3. Select the product you want to exchange.
  4. Click “Choose Product”.
  5. Click on the product displayed after clicking “Choose Product”.
  6. Select the desired size and click Exchange, then View Order.
  7. Fill the exchange form.
  8. Once your exchange request is approved, pickup will be assigned and exchange process will initiate.

Please note: Return/Exchange Request approval can take upto 24hrs. Once exchange is availed, return wont be possible.

We will personally ensure that the issue is resolved satisfactorily. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing is intact when you return the product.

If the product is worn, washed or the original tags & packaging are missing, our delivery partner WILL NOT ACCEPT the package. In this case the refund/exchange may not initiate.

Please Note: Items in “Flash Deal” or “Steal Deal” are not eligible for return. Exchange can only be availed if the size required is in stock. Exchange shipping cost will be beared by the customer.


How will I receive my refund?

Refunds will be processed and credited to your See That Gal wallet or bank account within 2-3 business days from the date of the product being received in our warehouse.



How do I cancel an order?

Please mail us at [email protected] to cancel an order.

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Easy 15 days returns

15 days* return/exchange guarantee

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